Rosalie Mainous Ph.D., A.R.N.P., N.N.P.-B.C., 2009 Cohort
Having been with the University of Louisville for over 22 years, Rosalie Mainous now directs a variety of graduate programs within the School of Nursing which include two entry pathways to the PhD in nursing, several MSN track offerings, and a post-masters option. She is leading the development of a Doctor in Nursing Practice degree program and is forging linkages statewide to share scarce resources related to expensive speciality MSN tracks. Serving also as the associate dean for research, this dual role has eliminated the competition between the office of academic affars and the research offce for faculty time and instead offers focused support for faculty research that directly impacts their teaching and service. Funded by NIH twice, one of those endeavors led to a joint appoinment as Associate Faculty in our internationaly recognized Birth Defects Center. Her current funded research is directed towards decreasing cerebral blood flow fluctuations in the very low birth weight infant with the ultimate goal of reducing intraventricular hemorrhage in this population. Dr. Mainous has served at the national level of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses for many years, is the Research Section Editor for the journal, Advances in Neonatal Care, is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, SigmaTheta Tau, Sigma Xi, and is the Communications Chair for the Organizational Leadership Network of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.