MEET THE CURRENT FELLOWS: Julee Bolg M.S., M.B.A., R.N., N.E.-B.C., 2009 Cohort
Director, Patient Care Services for the Satellite Network at Children’s Hospital Boston the nation’s leading pediatric medical center, offering a complete range of health services for patients from birth through age 21. It is home to the world’s premier pediatric research facility and is the primary pediatric teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. Children’s physicians provide specialty care at Children’s Hospital Boston at Waltham and outpatient care at Children’s specialty care centers in Peabody and Lexington. As Director, Ms. Bolg oversees Nursing Services, Perioperative Services and Ambulatory Clinics, Infusion Center, Radiology, Inpatient, Interpretive Services and other satellite clinical programs. Other responsibilities include: member of the Satellite Operating Committee and Nurse Executive Committee on Quality. Ms. Bolg has a strong background in pediatrics, business development and management. She is a member of the American Organization of Nurse Executives. Ms. Bolg is on the Board of Directors for the Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps a child welfare and juvenile justice organization in Massachusetts.