Newsletter Submission

HomeNewsletter Submission


For information that will be published in the newsletter, we request news from the categories below.

We routinely receive requests from RWJF about your impact on health and health care. Although they will not necessarily be published in the newsletter, they will be considered for stories that might be featured in the ENF newsletter or other RWJF publications. When some new impact from your work is achieved, provide a brief description in the "Your Impact on Health and Health Care" area.

Please send any other announcements to Andrea Williams at

Remember to hit the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page to complete your entry.

First Name*
Last Name*
New Promotions or Jobs

List new title and organization, city and state

New Appointment to Board of Directors or Scientific Panels

List name of board or organization, panel (if applicable) city, state, and length of term

Election to Office

Election to an office in a state, regional, or national professional or patient-related consumer association; list name of office, organization, and length of term

Election to Membership in Nursing Academies

FAAN, FAANP, ANEF, etc.; list name of organization, date of installation

Election to Membership in Inter-Professional Academies

IOM or specialty societies, etc.; list name of organization, date of installation

Awards Bestowed

List name of award, organization bestowing award, and when received

National Media Mentions

List newspaper, TV or magazine/journal venue in which mention appears and topic of feature

Grants Received in Excess of $100,000 (total costs)

Liist title, funding source, amount, and brief general aim

Books, Book Chapters, or Peer-reviewed Publications

Publications appeared in press during this quarter; list complete APA style reference

Your Impact on Health and Health Care

Include a brief description of your role in any of the following initiatives plus the type/evidence of impact on health or health care that your actions (with others) have achieved

  • Obesity
  • RWJF Campaign for Future of Nursing
  • Triple Aim (improving patient or population health and health care system performance, reducing costs of care)
  • Breakthroughs in Quality Improvement
  • Breakthroughs in Evidence for Practice or Policy
  • New State or Federal Legislation or Regulations You Helped Achieve