Lynn Fick-Cooper

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Lynn Fick-Cooper

Lynn is the Program Designer for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Executive Nurse Fellows at the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL®). She is also Co-Deputy Director and Lead Faculty for RWJF's Ladder to Leadership National Program Office at CCL, where she oversees the successful implementation of the program in each community across the United States. Ladder to Leadership is a fellowship program designed to develop the next generation of community health leaders in some of the most vulnerable communities across the United States. To this role, Lynn brings more than 20 years of experience in leadership positions from a variety of nonprofit organizations. In addition she has more than 10 years of group facilitation experience in leadership development programs, including CCL's Women's Leadership Program, Leadership Development Program, and a variety of customized programs. Lynn's previous experience at CCL includes serving as group director of institutional advancement with responsibility for fundraising and alumni relations; corporate relations manager where she managed the corporate giving program; and manager of marketing with responsibility for the marketing strategy, marketing communication, and public relations functions. Prior to joining CCL, Lynn held a variety of positions including: managing government and community affairs for the Greensboro Area Chamber of Commerce; serving as vice president of marketing for Huthwaite, a sales research and training firm outside Washington, D.C.; and serving as director of public relations for IHFRA (International Home Furnishings Representatives Association). Committed throughout her career to nonprofit work, Lynn's experience includes volunteer work with Reading Connections, an organization dedicated to adult literacy, and Junior Achievement, an organization focused on teaching children the principles of entrepreneurship, business,and economics. As well as volunteering in K-12 classrooms, she currently serves on the Board of Directors for Junior Achievement. Lynn received her B.A. in Communication with an emphasis in public relations and M.B.A. with an emphasis in marketing from the Bryan School of Business both at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.